Welcome to Doing Foresight


We hope to be able to continue to improve Doing Foresight. If you have suggestions for changes to the tool you can contact the editor group at webmaster@tekno.dk. The editor group will examine the need for changes at least twice a year.
Suggestions for changes and improvements that has been suggested:

New Modules

Actor module - a module that can guide a mapping of relevant actors and connect to method choice

Project design module - help building a foresight project by combining methods, projects steering and communication plans

Project management module - a desktop for the project manager, in which records can be made on economy, contact persons, bibliographic data and references, calendar, etc.

Frame Conditions

More detailed information on each frame condition

Price, man month and time warning in relation to methods (cross-references)

Problem Definition


Role Selection Module

Typology dynamic print-out with ratings

Indicating roles by numbers, indicating square in typology and role number - e.g. 2.2 for second role in square 2 (instead of existing letter indicators)

Possibility of acting on warnings

New role: Actor mapping - raising knowledge/societal aspects

Method module

Expansion of the method tool-box, i.e. more methods (especially decision making methods)

Graphic overview over contribution of method to the roles in each method description

Possibility of acting on warnings

Price, man month and duration in method descriptions

Evaluation module

Example indicators of success/failure for each role


Interaction with frame condition module

Move the two questions in Evaluation/Summary to a first folder in Synthesis

Other features

Multi-user interface, handling multiple frame conditions

Admin-interface from version 1 to version 2

Generate report, pdf as html/word

Save/import data as XML, save report as HTML

A new name that reflects the usefulness for all types of policy analysis

New Modules

  • Actor module - a module that can guide a mapping of relevant actors and connect to method choice
  • Project design module - help building a foresight project by combining methods, projects steering and communication plans
  • Project management module - a desktop for the project manager, in which records can be made on economy, contact persons, bibliographic data and references, calendar, etc.

Frame Conditions

  • More detailed information on each frame condition
  • Price, man month and time warning in relation to methods (cross-references)

Problem Definition

  • -

Role Selection Module

  • Typology dynamic print-out with ratings
  • Indicating roles by numbers, indicating square in typology and role number - e.g. 2.2 for second role in square 2 (instead of existing letter indicators)
  • Possibility of acting on warnings
  • New role: Actor mapping - raising knowledge/societal aspects

Method module

  • Expansion of the method tool-box, i.e. more methods (especially decision making methods)
  • Graphic overview over contribution of method to the roles in each method description
  • Possibility of acting on warnings
  • Price, man month and duration in method descriptions

Evaluation module

  • Example indicators of success/failure for each role


  • Interaction with frame condition module
  • Move the two questions in Evaluation/Summary to a first folder in Synthesis

Other features

  • Multi-user interface, handling multiple frame conditions
  • Admin-interface from version 1 to version 2
  • Generate report, pdf as html/word
  • Save/import data as XML, save report as HTML
  • A new name that reflects the usefulness for all types of policy analysis